Wind power contributes roughly 4% of power generated across the world. The gentle blowing breeze generates around 370000 MW of power in over 100 countries. From a peripheral and unconventional energy, wind power has come a long way and has become a mainstream sector with innovation, modernization and technology upgradation.
In India, wind power contributes 12% of total energy generation and it ranks 5th in global rank. In India, rapid growth of wind power generation started after year 2005 and it has grown exponentially till 2012 and gradually dropped in capacity addition due to variety of reasons. However, current policy is tilted in favour of renewable energy and the government target is to generate 60000 MW of wind power generation by the year 2022. With new technology improvements in hub heights, rotor dia, wind power potential are rapidly revised at there is immense potential at different mast heights and accelerating wind power with new technology at old wind farms. Several studies have estimated at wind power potential at 1000 GW in wastelands of India.
There are more than 20 wind turbine manufacturers in India with a total estimated capacity of 10000 MW per year.
Leitner Shriram Manufacturing Ltd
Siva Wind Turbine India Pvt Ltd
Vestas Wind Technology India Pvt Ltd
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